I don't know about your riding habits but I am an all weather cyclist. I commute by bike come rain, shine, ice, snow- whatever.
I will put my hands up and admit to the odd chikening out session when the wind is stupidly strong and gusty (I do not want to get blown accross the road into/ under a truck or bus).
I do have favourite weather conditions however and this time of year is when my favourite conditions start to crop up. Warm but not too hot, clear and bright.
These conditions make me smile and feel far too chirpy when I'm in the saddle.
Another benefit of this warmer weather is that it creates my new found ability for time travel.
My regular commute to work takes in Marlow High Street, accross William Tierney Clarks
suspension bridge, left after the
Compleat Angler Hotel and up Quarry Wood Road. This first section of my commute takes me 10 minutes to the top of the hill. This morning saw the time travel kick in and I got to the top of the hill in 9 minutes.
Dr Who eat your heart out.